Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunrise, Sunset

Today was a loooooong day. I woke up at sunrise after a night full of crazy dreams and just couldn't seem to get back to sleep--my head was full of to-do lists and worries that I'd oversleep. I had to be at work at 9 this morning, but ended up going in at 8:30 to revamp a few tables that were looking pretty empty. After opening the store, I proceed to cater to the citizens of Bowling Green and all their bra, panty, and beauty needs.

The day is slow and the store fairly empty; we don't make our goals and I have to cut shifts and work with just one other person--this proceeds to get hectic when things get busy. I work and work and work...and then get a call about a job offer I've been considering that's pretty sweet. [More on that in another post.] Around 5, the other managers go for their hour-long weekly meeting. I'm supposed to get off at six as soon as they finish up.

Six comes...then A thunderstorm is raging outside and I really just want to go home. Finally--at seven-thirty--the other managers roll in and I'm allowed to leave. I don't really mind (I love working more because overtime pay is sweet) but I was really looking forward to getting home before the sun went down--maybe next time. Tomorrow is my day off and I'm thanking Jesus for it; I need to get some things done. I open again on Wednesday, and hopefully then I'll be able to leave before sunset.

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