Today something you have worked hard for, or have been hoping to receive, may be realized or come to you, Virgo. Many of the astrological patterns of the day point to hidden things coming to the surface, or the discovery of something that was thought to be lost. This is all about your faith in your efforts, past, present and future. Avoid get-rich quick schemes; they may interfere with your process of attraction and manifestation. This is not a "your greatest treasure is love" omen either; it's about the tangible rewards of persistence and hope.
After reading this, I checked my email. I got an email about a job I interviewed for last year. This is a government job, with full benefits and a paycheck that's much larger than the one I'm currently receiving. It's not perfect, but it would be an improvement. This is my horoscope from yesterday:
You might be looking at friends through "rose-colored glasses" right now, Virgo, but that's all about to change. Today's all-day opportunity period is pushing you in a seriously analytical mood about others for a reason. Someone may be pressing you for some kind of agreement that may not be beneficial to you, but because of having an attitude of expecting things to fall into place, you may not recognize that a good contract does not mean a good deal. Look at others through the eye of truth today: relationships may change a bit, but for the better.
Today, a friend that I haven't talked to since high school sent me a message. We got to talking, and he seemed interested in me. I told him I was very selective and that I wasn't sure I was really what he was looking for, but he persisted. After quite a bit of witty banter, I learned that he just wanted a BG hookup (which, as my celibacy vow indicates, I am not down for). Once he found out the muffin shop was closed, he made a hasty exit.
Weird, huh? I'm not taking these things too seriously, but I just thought how funny how accurate they were. I'm not going to go nuts and start adding all kinds of applications, though. Facebook isn't that good.
Three Good Things:
- I'm currently planning my five-year high school reunion for this summer.
- I got a full night's sleep last night (even though I had to call into work).
- The snow is finally here!