Thursday, August 26, 2010

"I'm wishin' on a star..."

Ah, the sweet sounds of Teena Marie. While she was crooning about the man of her dreams, I'm thinking about more tangible stuff. you know, "real" stuff. Stuff I'm planning on buying once I finally start making real money.

Working two jobs and still struggling to make ends meet hasn't been fun. Not only have I been perpetually exhausted and stressed, but I also can't afford to buy and do the things I want to. This may seem superficial, but I like stuff as much as any other red-blooded American--especially shoes. So I've been working on a "wish list" of things I'd like to get once I start my new job. Wanna hear it? Here it goes!

  • Iphone (Already ordered and should be here in a few weeks!)
  • Two HD tvs (The tv I have now is super big and old; I'd love to have a new one to replace it, plus one for my bedroom.)
  • Christian Louboutin pumps (These cost around $1,500. This is definitely more of a dream than a reality, but I'm being honest here.)
  • Coach bag (I saw an AMAZING one at the Coach store when I went apartment hunting a few weeks ago. It WILL be mine.)
  • New clothes (What can I say? I'm a girl.)

  • DirecTV (After over a year without cable, I want every single channel imaginable.)
  • Get my nails/toes done every two weeks (A salon in Madison has a manicure that is supposed to last two whole weeks. I never get to pamper myself, so I'm going to now.)
  • Take a yoga/pilates class once a week (I want to be more health conscious and exercise more, and I'll actually have the time to do it.)
This may seem silly, but it's fun to talk about the things you'd do if you had the money. But before I start spending too much money on things I want, I plan on taking care of the things I need: paying down my credit card debt, getting the dental work I need, and paying off the loans I got to subsidize the move and previous dental procedures. I'm going to save more, too. I can't wait until some of these wishes actually come true!

Three Good Things:
  • My birthday (and the move) is fast approaching.
  • I'm slowly but surely getting things packed in my apartment.
  • The weather is finally cooling down!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Love at First Sight

I've never been much of a believer in love at first sight, mostly because I look crappy most days and don't think anyone could fall in love with me sans makeup, heels, or any inkling of caring about the way I look. But I've become a victim. I fell in love the first time I saw... new apartment. :) I had five apartment viewings scheduled last weekend, but only made it to three--I canceled the others because I knew the first apartment was the one I wanted! I've been approved and am just waiting for my leasing agent to fax me the lease. My mom and I worked out a few final details yesterday, so all I'm doing now is waiting. I'm really doing this. I can't believe this move is really happening.

On a completely unrelated tangent, I'm now wondering if I ever want to have children. Perhaps it's the fact that someone I know just had a horrible birthing experience or the episodes of Teen Mom I've recently become obsessed with, but I just don't know if kids are something I want in my life. I'm sure I'll change my mind once God brings me the man I'm supposed to marry, but at soon-to-be-23 I can't imagine being a mother. I mean, I can barely take care of myself. There's no WAY I'd be able to care for someone else.

Ah, the misguided ramblings of a twenty-something female. :) Later, y'all; I've got some work to do.

Three Good Things:
  • We're having a mini-potluck for one of my co-workers today. FREE FOOD.
  • I ordered an iPhone and it should be here in 3-4 weeks.
  • I have the cutest dog in the world.

Monday, August 9, 2010

First impressions...

Well, the plan is underway. This weekend I'm flying to Madison to look at apartments, and I can't wait! In the process of moving, I'm also helping to find a replacement for me at my full-time job. Since I'm the first person people see when they come in, naturally I'm going to see the applicants first.

OH MY GOSH. These people are a hot mess. I try not to judge people, but first impressions are VERY important--especially when you're trying to get a job. Don't just come in to someone's business wearing whatever and ask for an application. I'm not saying you have to be in a full suit with pumps and pearls, but at least don't look sloppy.

Also, try not to reek of smoke. I understand that people smoke--it's their choice. But I don't want to have to hold my breath and febreeze the office after you leave. It just doesn't look good. We also don't want to hire someone who will be outside every hour taking a smoke break.

Finally, act like you know what you're talking about. If you say something like, "Uh, I heard that...y'all were, uh, looking for a job?" I'm going to look at you like you don't know what you're talking about BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. Be polite, smile, and act like you at least read the ad and aren't just applying for every job listed. If the ad said we were looking for a friendly, professional person, ACT THAT WAY.

Even if you're just filling out the application, that's a big part of the hiring process. Always put your best foot forward, as first impressions stick with you...and sometimes keep you from getting an interview.

Three Good Things:
  • Packing is coming along a bit better.
  • My friend Mario will be back in town soon.
  • Flying to Madison this weekend! I can't wait!