Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"I'm not always there when you call..."

I've had a problem with trusting God in the past. I'm a person who worries a lot, and I would get so caught up in worrying about everything that could or would go wrong in my life that I didn't just leave it up to God to handle. I was putting my faith in the world and not in the Lord.

I've since been working on giving everything to God to handle. He, after all, is the one who can heal all wounds and solve all problems--all we have to do is ask. I also have issues asking people for things; I always want to do everything myself and never want to depend on anyone. But it finally clicked to me today that God wants to hear from us. He wants us to tell him things that we can't tell anyone else, to ask for things we wouldn't dream of asking anyone else for. The fact that we can bear our souls in prayer proves our faithfulness to Him. He already knows what's in our hearts, and just wants us to be able to confide in Him with our own mouths.

Sometimes God brings blessings to show us that he hasn't forgotten about us. At times when we pray, God doesn't say "no," but instead says "not right now." I've found that blessings like these come when my faith is dwindling. For example, I was stressed about my finances, worrying about how I was going to make ends meet. I was questioning God and wondering why He was letting things go downhill when my life had been going so well. But then I got an email about a job I interviewed for a year ago (which you already know). I have a follow-up interview on Monday, and I'm praying that things go well. This was something that reminded me that God was still on my side, and that struggles are His way of reminding us to keep our faith in Him.

Three Good Things:
  • I'm one step closer to getting in control of my debt.
  • I'm starting a special craft project tonight. :)
  • Job interview Monday morning!

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